Publication Policy

The iRASD Journal of Educational Research (iRASD-JER) adheres to global publication standards to ensure quality, integrity, and accessibility of published research. The following policies guide the publication process:

  • Peer Review Process: All submitted manuscripts undergo a rigorous double-blind peer review process to evaluate their originality, significance, and scholarly merit. Reviewers are selected based on their expertise in the relevant field.
  • Originality and Ethics: iRASD-JER only considers manuscripts that present original research findings. Authors must adhere to ethical guidelines, including plagiarism checks and proper citation of sources.
  • Open Access: The journal provides immediate open access to its content, ensuring that research is freely available to the global academic community without subscription barriers. Authors retain copyright of their work.
  • Authorship and Acknowledgments: Authorship should accurately reflect contributions to the research. All contributors who meet the criteria for authorship must be listed. Proper acknowledgment of funding sources and institutional support is required.
  • Conflict of Interest: Authors are required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest that may influence the research or its interpretation. Editors and reviewers also adhere to conflict-of-interest policies.
  • Publication Frequency: iRASD-JER is published annually, ensuring timely dissemination of research findings while maintaining high editorial standards.
  • Corrections and Retractions: The journal follows guidelines for corrections, retractions, and expressions of concern to uphold the integrity of published research.
  • Accessibility and Indexing: iRASD-JER is committed to enhancing the discoverability of published articles through indexing in reputable databases and search engines, promoting global visibility and impact of research.
  • Editorial Independence: Editorial decisions are based on the merit of the manuscript and adherence to editorial policies. Editors and reviewers maintain confidentiality throughout the review process.
  • Continuous Improvement: The journal continually strives to improve its publication standards and practices, incorporating feedback from authors, reviewers, and readers to enhance the quality of published research.

Authors submitting manuscripts to iRASD-JER are expected to adhere to these publication policies to facilitate a fair and rigorous evaluation process and contribute to the advancement of educational research globally.