Road Safety in Pakistan: Vulnerable Road Users, Challenges and Policy Implications


  • Hifza Irfan Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad, Pakistan.



Driver Behavior, Road Safety, Pakistan, Vulnerable Road Users, Post Emergency Response


Road safety is a serious public health challenge in Pakistan and in the world. It costs thousands of deaths, injuries and disabilities due to road traffic accidents (RTAs) per year. This study analyzed existing literature to identify the key factors contributing to road traffic crashes. It is a content analysis carefully done from the existing body of knowledge. This analysis emphasis on areas such as driver behavior, infrastructure deficiencies, weak traffic law enforcement/ legislation gaps and associated risks for vulnerable road users. The results indicated that main determinants of RTAs in Pakistan were road conditions, lack of traffic law enforcement, risky driving behavior, road rages and limited or no post emergency response. Some urban centers have adopted technology driven solutions: safe city monitoring, automated traffic monitoring, speed check cameras but their implementation remains inconsistent. This article concludes with recommendations aimed at improving road safety conditions: strengthening law enforcement/ upgradation, promoting public awareness campaign, education of road safety and expanding emergency services in Pakistan. It also recommends insights into effective policy interventions that could significantly reduce the incidence of RTAs and protect vulnerable road users in Pakistan.


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Author Biography

Hifza Irfan, Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad, Pakistan.

Research Assistant/Ph.D. Scholar, School of Sociology




How to Cite

Irfan, H. (2024). Road Safety in Pakistan: Vulnerable Road Users, Challenges and Policy Implications. Pakistan Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 12(4), 3415–3426.