Social Rejection and Inequitable Rights of Intersex Individual: A Qualitative Study




Gender Identity, Human Rights, Inequitable Rights, Intersex, Psychological Distress, Social Acceptance, Social Rejects, Stigma


The title of this current study is Social Rejection and Inequitable Rights of Intersex Individuals: A Qualitative Study. The aim of the study is to understand the life led by intersex and highlight the problems faced by them to move towards for the better and equitability of the community in society. Intersex Justice Project (2020) reported that intersex activism and advocacy efforts aim to promote awareness, acceptance, and inclusivity. The research by Kamazima et al. (2023) study aims to examine the role of political elite in recognizing, respecting, protecting, and affirming the human and citizenship rights of intersex individuals in Tanzania. Saima et al. (2024) research stated that social rejection is a significant predictor of psychological distress. Qualitative data are the conceptual data and non-numerical data that are gathered by the observation and literature review of the book. We used this approach of qualitative study. In this current study, relational content analysis was used. It is a type of analysis that shows the relationship between the variables and theme. The outcomes of the study showed that society discriminates and stigmatizes, which leads to inequitable rights and social rejection. The experiences faced by the intersex cause inadequate mental well-being, which leads to bad physical health. Even the intersex community does not get the basic need treatment equally in hospitals, educational institutes, and legal departments on the basis of misconceptions about intersex and transgender people. The rejection of society enhanced the bad mental health of the intersex community. The current study is very effective for the betterment of intersex careers in the private and public sectors of the country. This study evaluated advocacy narratives representing how popular movements affect public views and fuel the need for fair rights for the intersex community. Collaboration with political and religious leaders should be carried out to ensure the removal of superstitious thoughts about intersex individuals.


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Author Biographies

Nayab Islam, Superior University, Lahore, Pakistan.

Department of Clinical Psychology

Syeda Anum Arooj Bukhari, Superior University, Lahore, Pakistan.

Lecturer, Department of Clinical Psychology

Umal Baneen, Superior University, Lahore, Pakistan.

Departments of Clinical Psychology

Ummay Habeba, Superior University, Lahore, Pakistan.

Departments of Clinical Psychology

Rehmat Ullah, Superior Universality, Lahore, Pakistan.

MS Scholar, Departments of Clinical Psychology




How to Cite

Islam, N., Bukhari, S. A. A., Baneen, U., Habeba, U., & Ullah, R. (2024). Social Rejection and Inequitable Rights of Intersex Individual: A Qualitative Study. Pakistan Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 12(4), 3378–3393.