Employee Empowerment and Compensation as A Consequence on Employee Job Performance with the Moderating Role of Employee Accountability
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Using data from 200 employees of FMCG companies in Multan, this study aims to analyze the effect of Employee Empowerment and Employee Compensation on Employee Job Performance while moderating the role of Employee Accountability. The partial least square method is used to estimate the results. The results of PLS-SEM reveal that Employee Empowerment, Employee Compensation, and Employee Accountability are all positively and significantly related to Employee Job Performance. Employee Accountability was found to partially moderate the relationship between Employee Empowerment and Employee Compensation using moderated regression. It is recommended that, in order to improve employee job performance, the organization develop and implement strategies for providing appropriate compensation. After processing and analyzing information from the labor market and internal regulations of the company, there seems a need to modify an appraisal system in line with the specified compensation structure and other benefits.
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