iRASD Journal of Energy & Environment (iRASD-JEE) is an international bi-annual double-blind peer-reviewed open-access journal addressing the issues of energy & environment published by the International Research Alliance for Sustainable Development - iRASD.

iRASD-JEE publishes research based on its originality, importance, interdisciplinary interest, timeliness, accessibility, elegance, and surprising conclusions. iRASD-JEE has been publishing since 2020. 

Average Time to First Decision

The journal takes pride in its prompt initial evaluation of submitted manuscripts. On average, authors can expect a decision on their manuscript within 1 week from the date of submission. This period includes both standard desk reviews and desk decisions.

Review Time

Authors can anticipate a comprehensive editorial review process, from submission to the final decision, within an average timeframe of 3 to 4 weeks. This duration encompasses the thorough examination of manuscripts, reviewer feedback, and the editorial decision-making process.

Publication Time

Once a manuscript is accepted, the journal is committed to swift publication. On average, authors will witness their article appearing online within 3 to 4 days from the date of acceptance. This prompt publication time is a testament to our dedication to disseminating scholarly works efficiently.

Publication Frequency

The journal follows a quarterly publication schedule, releasing two issues each year in June, and December.

Print ISSN: 2790-573X
Online ISSN: 2790-5748

Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024): December 2024

Published: 2024-12-15

An Overview on Photovoltaic System

Osama Saad Hamad Saleh, Kalad Saad Hmad Saleh, Izzeldin Idris Abdallah


Effect of Aluminum Oxide Nanoparticles on Particulate Emissions and Carbon Deposition in Compression Ignition Engines

Sher Muhammad Ghoto, Ramez Raja, Sajjad Bhnagwar, Faisal Rehman, Abdullah Qazi, Habib Ahmed, Tooba Waseem


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iRASD Journal of Energy & Environment (iRASD-JEE) is an international bi-annual double-blind peer-reviewed open access journal addressing the issues of Energy & Environment published by the International Research Association for Sustainable Development - iRASD. 

 iRASD JEE aims to provide a valued platform for research on energy & environment-orientated themes and matters. It publishes articles of a multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary nature as well as empirical research from within old-fashioned disciplines. This journal includes articles on energy & environment and all related energy & environment disciplines. iRASD JEE has been publishing since 2020. 

Publisher: International Alliance for Sustainable Development - iRASD  
Frequency: Bi-annual 
Access: Open 
Medium: Print and Online 
Publication Charges: Click HERE for information
Peer Review Process: Double-blind
Online ISSN: 2790-5748
Print ISSN: 2790-573X