iRASD Journal of Energy & Environment (iRASD-JEE) is an international bi-annual double-blind peer-reviewed open-access journal addressing the issues of energy & environment published by the International Research Alliance for Sustainable Development - iRASD.

iRASD-JEE publishes research based on its originality, importance, interdisciplinary interest, timeliness, accessibility, elegance, and surprising conclusions. iRASD-JEE has been publishing since 2020. 

Average Time to First Decision

The journal takes pride in its prompt initial evaluation of submitted manuscripts. On average, authors can expect a decision on their manuscript within 1 week from the date of submission. This period includes both standard desk reviews and desk decisions.

Review Time

Authors can anticipate a comprehensive editorial review process, from submission to the final decision, within an average timeframe of 3 to 4 weeks. This duration encompasses the thorough examination of manuscripts, reviewer feedback, and the editorial decision-making process.

Publication Time

Once a manuscript is accepted, the journal is committed to swift publication. On average, authors will witness their article appearing online within 3 to 4 days from the date of acceptance. This prompt publication time is a testament to our dedication to disseminating scholarly works efficiently.

Publication Frequency

The journal follows a quarterly publication schedule, releasing two issues each year in June, and December.

Print ISSN: 2790-573X
Online ISSN: 2790-5748

Vol. 6 No. 1 (2025): June 2025

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iRASD Journal of Energy & Environment (iRASD-JEE) is an international bi-annual double-blind peer-reviewed open access journal addressing the issues of Energy & Environment published by the International Research Association for Sustainable Development - iRASD. 

 iRASD JEE aims to provide a valued platform for research on energy & environment-orientated themes and matters. It publishes articles of a multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary nature as well as empirical research from within old-fashioned disciplines. This journal includes articles on energy & environment and all related energy & environment disciplines. iRASD JEE has been publishing since 2020. 

Publisher: International Alliance for Sustainable Development - iRASD  
Frequency: Bi-annual 
Access: Open 
Medium: Print and Online 
Publication Charges: Click HERE for information
Peer Review Process: Double-blind
Online ISSN: 2790-5748
Print ISSN: 2790-573X