iRASD Journal of Energy & Environment  (JEE) does not charge a submission fee to encourage free submissions. However, authors pay a one-time Article Publication Charge (APC) to cover the costs of peer review administration and management, professional production of articles in PDF and other formats, website management, membership of various international organizations like CrossRef, iThenticate, and Portico, etc. and dissemination of published papers in various venues, in addition to other publishing costs. 
APC is based on the affiliation of a corresponding author. Please see the table below for details about APC.
Corresponding Author’s Affiliation
APC in US $
Top 100 Universities in the QS World University Rankings
Top 500 Universities in the QS World University Rankings
$ 150
High-Income Countries
$ 300
Middle-Income Countries (Lower and Upper)*
$ 250
Low-Income Counties
$ 150
Please see your country in the World Bank List of Economies
*Pakistan is a lower-middle-income country. Moreover, the APC for Pakistani authors is PKR 40,000. The waive-off policy is available for Premium Members of iRASD. 
The following activities and operations will explain how our APC is justified.
1. Publishing Platform/ Website
iRASD JEE develops and maintains its own online submission and peer-review website. We also run several platforms to offer different types of services to research scholars.
2. Publishing Operations
2.1. Triaging—filtering of papers upon submission by internal staff and editorial board members.
2.2. Organization of peer-review— iRASD JEE provides a high degree of assistance to Academic Editors so they can only focus on editorial decisions. We employ in-house editors to invite reviewers, collect review reports, communicate with authors and reviewers, correspond with authors about revisions, etc.
2.3. Production—including copy-editing, typesetting, copy-editing XML and PDF conversion, and language editing. iRASD JEE provides excellent quality English editing for all accepted papers in the APC.
2.4. Proofreading—Corresponding with authors to approve the final text and requesting any missing information.
2.5. Indexing & archiving— iRASD JEE has a team dedicated to indexing relations that advise on the eligibility of a journal for application to be indexed in different databases. Our team communicates closely with the contact persons at the different databases and receives regular updates on the status of applications. We dedicate time to keep ourselves updated on any changes in the evaluation criteria or application procedure.
3. Marketing and Communication
iRASD promotes its journals and articles through sponsorships of conferences, scholarly society events, other promotional activities, and a series of awards to support researchers.
4. General
4.1. Management & administration include costs related to salaries of non-editorial staff and other business costs, including CrossRef and iThenticate membership, DOI charges, Portico, and membership of other paid indexing services.
Once a manuscript is accepted for final publication, corresponding authors should contact the journal's editor for account information. 

Note: iRASD JEE will no longer officially blacklist authors who withdraw their manuscripts before the completion of the peer-review process. However, using peer-reviewed resources without the intent or ability to publish is problematic and has serious consequences (Withdrawal Policy) for the authors. Before submitting, please ensure you have the funds to pay the APC if accepted.