Green Human Resource Practices: A Sustainable Approach To Increase Employee Performance
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The research is explanatory about Green Human Resource Management (GHRM) and its Impact on Employee Performance in Pakistan's Small Medium Enterprise sector. PLS Software has been used for statistical research analysis, discriminant validity, loading factors, average variance executor, composite reliability, predictive value, and bootstrapping value from 308 small-medium enterprises (SME) employees. Data has taken as a questionnaire through Google form. The empirical study has explained the positive relationship of Green (HRM) to Employee Performance in SME sector. The previous studies have also determined about positive relation of these variables. Recruitment, training and reward have been selected and explained in research and have clear objectives of the investigation. The results showed a positive relationship between GHRM and employee performance. The finding of this paper has several implications for government officials and policy makers of SME sector to provide the framework to support employee green behavior.
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