Aim and Scope

The aim of iRASD Journal of Finance (JOF) is to publish principal research across all the major fields of finance. The inclusive nature of the JOF ensures the coverage of the entire scope of finance from corporate finance to regional financial affairs, trends in financial markets, international finance, and governance mechanisms while making sure that the work is reasonably contributing to the field of finance. The Journal of Finance is headed by an expert team of advisory boards and reviewers both locally and internationally who evaluate the Journal’s submissions on scholarly merit, ethical considerations, and research reliability. JOF aims to work through an objective and productive approach to welcome the publications based on the consideration of the larger community, academic members, corporate financial analysts, regional policymakers, and all others who are associated with the field of Finance. The journal accepts and encourages the submission based on the variety of original research papers for the core areas of Finance including but not limited to:

  1. Financial markets, international financial trends, risk management, and mitigation.
  2. Financial market development and innovation in financial products and services.
  3. Investment and financing decisions.
  4. Corporate financial strategy and policy.
  5. The international financial market, globalization, and sustainable earnings.
  6. Corporate’s environmental, social, and governance practices.
  7. Historical trends in Financial stability of banks and financial markets.
  8. Portfolio specialization and diversification.
  9. Financial inclusion, Financial underpinning, and earning behavior.
  10. Movements in Sustainable Finance.
  11. Comparative analysis between Green bonds and conventional bonds.
  12. Efficiency and Productivity analysis of key players in Financial Markets.
  13. Sustainable growth in Financial Institutions.
  14. Green product innovations, green financing, and sustainable performance.
  15. Financial integration in Micro-Finance.
  16. Corporate lending practices and stock returns.
  17. Capital management and earning forecasting
  18. Corporate governance and stability analysis.
  19. Asset pricing, stock analysis, and valuation
  20. Fintech and digital finance.