iRASD Journal of Finance (JOF) is an open-access journal in the field of Finance publishing high-quality peer-reviewed research by different scholars, financial analysts, and policymakers while providing global access. JOF is working under the umbrella of the International Research Association for Sustainable Development (iRASD). It is inviting various stakeholders in the field of Finance and its contemporary trends while driving some remarkable contributions specifically for the policymaking related to overall financial trends, financial products, financial market development, risk (systematic and non-systematic) mitigation and management,  investment and financing decision analysis, sustainable finance, behavioral finance,  and governance mechanisms in the field of corporate finance. The journal is mainly emphasizing both theoretical and empirical contributions focusing on policy-oriented research encouraging the utilization of some innovative econometric techniques. iRASD JOF also desires to publish some original research dealing with financial management and reporting, financial services, along with new developments in the contemporary environment.

Publisher: International Association for Sustainable Development (iRASD).
Frequency: Annual 
Access: Open 
Medium: Print and Online 
Peer Review Process: Double-blind