The Influence of Green Human Resource Practices on the Environmental Presentation in Malaysia: Mediating Role of Governmental Nationality Activities towards Situation Green Capabilities Building Performs, Green Inspiration Attractive Performs, Green Worker Participation Performs, Environmental Presentation
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The purpose associated with this article is to explore the links of green human resource practices (GHRP) such as green capabilities building performs, green inspiration attractive performs and green worker participation performs on the environmental presentation along with the mediating role of governmental nationality activities towards the situation (GNAS). The employees of environmental sustainability and human resource departments are the respondents. The data that they were provided through questionnaires are analyzed by PLS-SEM. The findings show that green capabilities building performs, and green worker participation performs have a positive association with the environmental presentation while green inspiration attractive performs has a negative association with the environmental presentation. The GNAS has positive mediation among the nexus of green capabilities building performs, green inspiration attractive performs, green worker participation performs and environmental presentation. These findings are suitable for the upcoming researchers along with the policymakers for exploring this area in the future along with the policy development on the environmental presentation and green HRM.
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