Managing Diversity Through Leadership and Emotional Intelligence in the Banking Sector of Pakistan: A Moderating Role of Organizational Culture
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The moderation effect of organizational culture has also been examined. The quantitative approach has been used in data collection, and 182 sample responses have been gathered from the banking industry employees of Pakistan. The data has been analyzed by employing PLS-SEM. The results have shown that transformational and transactional leadership positively and insignificant affect workplace diversity. However, emotional intelligence has a positive and significant effect on workplace diversity. Besides, organizational culture has a positive and significant moderation effect between transactional leadership and workplace diversity. The organizational culture has a negative but insignificant moderation effect between transformational leadership and workplace diversity. The organizational culture has a negative but insignificant moderation effect between emotional intelligence and diversity. Managers are recommended to ensure transparency when identifying roles and expectations of the task amongst employees. Secondly, establish reward systems upon effective outcomes. Thirdly, state the punishments with utmost clarity.
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