Impact of Capital Structure and Liquidity Conditions on the Profitability of Pharmaceutical Sector of Pakistan
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This study was conducted to find the impact of capital structure and liquidity condition on the profitability of pharmaceutical firms listed with Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX). The dataset was comprised of eleven years 2010 to 2021. To assess profitability level, to dimensions return on assets (ROA) and gross profit margin (GPM) were used. The capital structure was measured through debt to equity ratio (DER) and debt to total funds (DTF). The liquidity level was measured through current ratio (CR) and acid test ratio (ATR). The OLS regression, fixed and random effect models were used for analysis. The findings proved that high debt to equity ratio significantly and negatively affect the profitability. The liquidity conditions have positive association with profitability of firms. The study suggested that owners and company managers should use optimal value of debt and liquidity conditions for profit maximization and to reduce the cost associated with debt capital.
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