Publication Policy
Journal of Materials and Physical Sciences (JMPS) adheres to the mission of non-discriminatory publication of high-quality research. For this purpose, the editorial team and reviewers are obligated to observe the ethical duties of taking unbiased decisions by maintaining the privacy policy and providing constructive feedback after a standards evaluation procedure.
Journal of Materials and Physical Sciences (JMPS) aims to publish the physics, chemistry, and materials science research on various domains like General & Interdisciplinary Physics, Condensed Matter & Materials Physics, Particle Physics, Plasma Physics, Astrophysics, Relativity & Cosmology, Optics and Spectroscopy, Nuclear Physics, Atomic & Molecular Physics, Atmospheric and Space physics, Statistical physics and nonlinear systems, Nonlinear dynamics & Complex Systems, Biophysics, Accelerators, beams, and electromagnetism, Electronics and devices, Quantum information and quantum mechanics, Soft matter, liquids, and polymers, Surfaces, interfaces, and thin films, Glasses and amorphous materials, Metamaterials, Nanomaterials, Organic materials, Photonic materials, Superconductors, Magnetic materials and spintronics, Carbon materials, Energy and environmental materials, and etc. Manuscript with standard physcial and materials science methods are preferred to novelty targets.