About the Journal
Current Trends in Law and Society - CTLS is an international journal in law. Current Trends in Law and Society -CTLS is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal that is published on annual basis. Current Trends in Law and Society - CTLS addresses the current issues being faced by international economies. This journal publishes articles related to the topics of law and its related fields of civil law, criminal law, constitutional law, business law, international law, and contemporary legal issues. CTLS is an open-access journal that is published by the International Research Alliance for Sustainable Development - iRASD.
CTLS publishes research based on its originality, importance, interdisciplinary interest, timeliness, accessibility, elegance, and surprising conclusions. CTLS has been publishing since 2021.
Publisher: International Research Alliance for Sustainable Development - iRASD
Frequency: Annuall
Access: Open
Medium: Print and Online
Publication Charges (APC): No APC
Peer Review Process: Double-blind
Online ISSN: 2957-5796
Print ISSN: 2957-5788